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Robbins 6 month Online Course is now offered as a bundle package

Click here to buy now

Click here to visit my website and see more of my work


I’ve been teaching for over 30 years and have enjoyed all the students that have come into my life and have been inspired by my approach.  Now you can enjoy learning, painting, and growing as an artist in the comforts of your own home.  

This all started out as a dream.  A studio where I could be surrounded by my beloved roses and  film instructional videos.   Now my dream has come true and I can’t wait to share it with.  Robbins Nest Studio is complete!  Painted yellow to honor my mother, Ann Cardall Bunting, who liked to tell everyone that she taught me everything I know. Now I want to share with you everything I know!   

Let’s go on this journey together.

Learn together, paint together, and grow together


Click here to watch a preview

Buy now and get access to this bonus 2 hour tutorial on painting roses and brass.    

I’ve spent 34 years learning my craft. I’ve taught all over the US as well as in Italy, France, and Argentina.  I’ve filmed several instructional videos to date but wanted to give you more.  More in depth information, more tips, more inspiration.  I’ll show you all the materials I use and explain why I use them and what difference it makes.   We’ll talk about composition and why it’s important.  I’ll walk you though how I set up my still lifes and arrange them in a pleasing manor.  One whole lesson will be on how to paint metals, brass, silver, and copper.  We’ll discuss how to create form.  Strong Light and Shadow.   I’ll take flowers one by one and show you how to paint them.  Roses, peonies, tulips, lilacs, and many more.  Each month I’ll choose a painting and show you what changes could be made to make it stronger.  Filmed in 1080P with three cameras.  One close up of the painting, one camera on the palette, and one camera of the full scene.  You won’t miss out on anything!

 You can even purchase the brushes I use at a great discount.  Click here for more information about brushes

What will you learn?

What materials to use

composition and why it’s important

how to paint different kind of metals and glass

how to use strong light and shadow patterns to create drama

how to paint roses, peonies, tulips, lilacs and more

different kinds of background

  Warm light vs Cool light

temperature changes are why they are important

high key vs low key

painting from life vs. photos

Framing and why it’s important

Inspirational tips


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What to Expect

You will receive an email with all the links to all the videos.  21 in all!   there are 6 concept lessons, 7 painting videos that are at least 2 hours each.  Art History lessons and many Tips on painting.   We will focus on a specific concept of painting each month.  Then you will be able to  watch me paint a complete painting stressing the concept we discussed that month.  You will also get an image of the set up so you can paint along with me.  

As long as you have downloaded the videos, you will not lose access to theses videos if you choose to unsubscribe.  Keep the videos so you can watch and learn over and over again.

Study at your pace.  We all know how hectic life can get so don’t worry about missing a month or two.  The videos will be there waiting for you to continue your journey of becoming a better artist.

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Membership in Private Facebook Group

You will be given access to a private Facebook group where we can all share our progress and get feedback.


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Class begin in….

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Still not sure?

Just imagine how much you would spend going to a 5 day workshop.  Typically workshops run on average $700.00.  Then there’s the travel expenses, hotel, and dining out.  You’ll likely spend over $15000.00 for a 5 day workshop.  In this 6 month bundle course you only pay $349.00   If these painting videos were sold separately, you would pay approximately $800.00!  You get them all for only $349.00 

  That’s a $450.00 savings.


Frequently Asked Questions

Can I share the video links?

Please understand that these videos are for those that have paid.  Please do not share the links, pictures, or content with those that have not paid.  Feel free to share your work on our private FB group and also on your social media platforms

I’m just beginning to paint.  Will this be too advanced for me?

No,  I encourage those that are just starting on their journey to join us and learn good painting techniques.  If you are more advanced then this course will just solidify and enhance your knowledge.

Can I sell the paintings I do from the online course?

You may copy the paintings that are in the course for your own learning experience.   Please understand that Elizabeth’s paintings are copyrighted.   It would be unethical and goes against copyright laws to submit a copy of Elizabeth’s painting to a show, to a gallery, or sell it.  If you post it on social media we just ask that you give Elizabeth Robbins credit for the original painting.

Where can I buy the brushes you use?

I SELL THEM!   I have put together a two package types of brushes.  One is a basic that will give you what you need to get started and another package that has everything you need to paint beautiful paintings.  Please click here to buy brushes

What if my internet is too slow?   The files are quite large so if you do have slow internet speed or any interruption in service then there might be a problem with downloading but don’t worry.  Just email me at [email protected] and I’ll send you a link to watch online without having to download



  Elizabeth’s class is wonderful!  She is a great teacher and explains things very thoroughly and clearly.  So many different aspects of painting were covered in the class that I learned things I never knew I didn’t know!  Im so very glad I took the class.  A wonderful bonus is that we can keep the lessons which is great because I could never remember everything we learned!  I highly recommend it.    Susan kounanis

Master artist, Elizabeth Robbins, recently developed an exciting six month online course which began in September 2018.  It is called ‘Learn Paint Grow’ – such an apropos name. Over that time students enjoyed a comprehensive learning experience covering still lifes and florals, subjects embodied in Elizabeth’s many award winning works of art. I have been lucky enough to have taken some of Liz’s workshops. Her teaching style is to share everything she knows leaving nothing hidden. She also provides encouragement, inspiration and joy in painting. I was truly blown away with all she got done in this course in such a short time. She covered basics such as value, form, color theory, temperature, composition, backgrounds, set ups and design. Her beautiful paintings inspired us to tackle lessons on flowers, fruits, metals, porcelains and fabric. On Tuesdays we received tips and some of the student works critiqued. There was something for every level of student. I think the best gift Liz imparted to me was teaching me to “see” what she was talking about. Elizabeth is not just a fabulous artist who holds nothing back from her students. She is a beautiful, special person who really knows how to provide results driven teaching and makes it fun. I can’t wait until the next session begins next Fall!

Barbara (Bliss) Torra

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I first met Elizabeth Robbins in June 2009.   I quickly learned that she is a brilliant artist recognized internationally for her still life and portrait paintings. She is one of the best instructors in the art world known for her unique, eloquent and clear thinking approach to her paintings

In Elizabeth’s workshops she explains in detail the setting up of a still life composition, how she uses value structure (local tones) as a main visual concept to block in and build her paintings. She emphasis the importance of light and shadows in her paintings along with lost and found edges.

Elizabeth paints from the heart.   Her paintings and when she is teaching shows the passion and love in every painting she does.

I have painted with Elizabeth numerous times over the last eight years and my experiences have always been uplifting.

There are instructors whom we meet along our way who change us, the way we see ourselves as an artist and the way we appreciate the beauty of art ……Elizabeth is one of them.

Florence Gaffney / Gaffney Art